Pentruder HFi – the next generation concrete cutting machines from Pentruder
Pentruder machines are built to perform on the highest level, for many years. Ten or even twenty years old Pentruder wall saws are serviced daily and continue to be productive.

Tractive, which is the company designing and manufacturing the Pentruder concrete cutting equipment, want new as well as older Pentruder machines to perform at the highest level, for many years to come. “There is nothing more rewarding than having a customer hand in a ten or even twenty-year-old saw for service and then just go out and cut again.”
We have the same design strategy with the new HFi-system, choosing the best materials and components paired with innovative technology”, says Anders Johnsen leader of the design team at Tractive.

Reaching tough targets
When developing the third generation Pentruder concrete cutting machines a set of very tough targets were defined. The new line of concrete cutting machines had to be light weight and at the same time offering high performance, productivity and ease of use.
In the quest to reach all the tough targets, the development team had to invent and define new, ground breaking technology. While the current Pentruder HF-machines are the most powerful, reliable and productive on the market, the new HFi-machines had to be clean-sheet designs, carrying over basically no technology from previous generations high frequency or hydraulically driven machines. Every concept and detail design had to be significantly improved upon, and refined.
“In close co-operation with our highly valued development partners, the Tractive design team broke new ground in the field of motor drives and motor design”, says Johnsen.

The new HFi technology has made it possible to design a very compact wall saw with high power and low weight which meets the legislative requirements on many markets which require a machine for one-man operation to weigh maximum 25 kg.
The new HFi-system offers a true modular future oriented platform, where a small and lightweight powerpack drives a wide range of products. Specially designed motors and drives give the new generation Pentruder machines best productivity, reliability and ease of use.

Long term strategy
Tractive is a family owned company with a long term strategy. Anders and Ingrid Johnsen who started the company have a long history in the concrete cutting business, and are since many years joined by their children, who run the day-to-day business of Tractive.
Kristoffer Johnsen, head of operations: “We are investing heavily in machinery equipment to meet the expected increase in sales. It’s definitely been the right thing to do for Tractive to keep production as much as possible in-house. In this way, we can keep full control over quality. Our staff is highly skilled and motivated, and with modern, state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment our manufacturing is very efficient.“

Marie Peil, marketing director at Tractive adds “Yes, we are really happy with our strategy, which includes focus on product development and in-house manufacturing and also working with Pentruder distributors with deep knowledge about their respective markets”.
We plan to continue bringing productive and high-quality machines to the concrete cutting market with the aim to improve the everyday life of the concrete cutting operator!”


PENTRUDER had a strong presence at BAUMA, not only with its booth, but also as Platinum sponsor of the IACDS networking event, held in BAUMA with great success, and yearbook 2019.